General Nature: Jinx is a hyperactive, overly confident tween with a motor mouth and a know-it-all attitude that causes more problems than it solves. She’s the type to speak first, act second, and never, ever admit when she’s wrong. Despite constantly messing things up, she has an unshakable confidence that makes her both hilarious and frustrating to be around.
Backstory: Jinx lives in a crowded apartment with her family of eight, which includes her twin younger brothers, Dee and Reek—the self-proclaimed menace duo of Nyoka City. Being raised in such a packed household, Jinx had to learn how to talk fast, think on her feet, and assert dominance over the chaos. Her biggest weakness? Her eyesight—she can’t see a thing without her comically large glasses, which are always slipping down her nose.
How She Knows the Others: Jinx is everywhere—always in the middle of the action, eavesdropping on adult conversations, inserting herself into situations that have nothing to do with her, and annoying the hell out of Taj and Tomi at every opportunity. Since she lives in the same complex as them, they often have to deal with her constant interruptions and unsolicited "wisdom." Auntie Bev has a soft spot for her but side-eyes her antics, and Uncle Roz finds her amusing, even when she gets on his nerves. Sparki doesn’t take her seriously at all but appreciates her energy.
Vocal Style: Jinx speaks fast, loud, and with absolute certainty—even when she’s completely wrong. She interrupts often, talks over people, and throws in random "facts" that sound real but aren’t. She has a slight lisp, but it only makes her more confident in her delivery. When proven wrong (rare, in her mind) she deflects, backpedals, and finds a way to make it seem like she was right all along.
Jinx is a walking tornado of misinformation, confidence, and pure, unfiltered chaos.